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VCSL Navatri Celebrations 2015 – 17th &

On Saturday 17th October we will be holding our Navaratri Celebrations in the main hall at the Archbishop Lanfrac school from 8pm until late into the evening. VCSL will be joining with South London Suthars for a bigger and better celebration for one day only!!! We are looking forward to some live entertainment and we’re […]

Welcome to our new site

Hello! – Welcome to our new website. What do you think? It’s taken us a while to decide on the layout of the website. I am sure you agree with us, this layout is nice. Please be patient while we bring all the old web pages to this new site. We would love to know […]

Samuh Bhajan 2015

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone that supported us this weekend in our Samuh Bhajans. We had a fantastic turnout from our local members and many from our sister organisations. The Bhajan Mandley were incredibly charismatic and kept everyone entertained. Additionally we would like to extend a special thank you out to […]

Summer Picnic 2014

The weather was truly on our side on Sunday 20th July as Vanza friends and family gathered in Richmond Park. After spending the week avidly checking weather reports hoping that Sunday’s predicted thunderstorms would move to Monday, we were relieved to have caught a break and had sunshine and a mild afternoon. Somewhat inspired by […]

AGM 2014

AGM 2014

The Vanza Community of South London’s 23rd AGM was held at Archbishop Lanfranc School on Saturday 7th June 2014. The evening began with Hingraj Mataji’s Aarti and welcome by the chairperson, Jyotiben. A one-minute silence was observed as a mark of respect for our loved ones who sadly passed away since our last AGM. The […]

Healthy Living 2014

Healthy Living 2014

On Saturday 24th May 2014, VCSL organised a thought provoking program on benefit of doing yoga exercise and awareness of cancer. It was our good fortune that both Sunilbhai Gosai offered his service to give brief talk on the benefit of doing yoga and Dayantiben Patel talked about her journey through cancer. Sunilbhai explained how Yoga […]

Samuh Bhajan 2014

Our annual Samuh Bhajan in memory of our loved ones was once again held on Sunday afternoon to remember our ‘pitrus’. Our members, bandhus and their friends started to arrive and on their arrival they were welcomed by our committee members and greeted with ‘tilak’ on the forehead by the members of the VCSL Youth […]

Disco Dandiya Fundraiser 2014

Disco Dandiya Fundraiser 2014

On 29th March 2014 Vanza Community of South London held their second disco dandia event. In 2013 our vision was to start a tradition where by annual disco dandia events would be held. Alas although no doubt the evening was hugely enjoyable, the turnout was not what we expected. Fast forward 11 months past TFL delays, […]

Diwali Dinner and Dance 2013

VCSL celebrated Diwali this year with its annual, free, sell-out Dinner and Dance event. The anticipation of the night’s event built as the hall was prepared and transformed by the committee and volunteers. The morning’s excitement peaked as a box of SouthSide magazines, hot-off-the-printers, emerged, finally turning the ideas behind the magazine into a tangible […]