Jai Gopal & Jai Hingraj
The festive season is upon us and preparations for Navratri & Diwali have begun.
Due to lack of attendance, Vanza Community of South London have not been able to hold garba for last few years. This gave us the opportunity to join our local organisations and we are grateful for.
This year, however, some of these local organisations are not going to be holding garba due of lack is attendance, availability and cost of halls and as well as the fall out from Covid.
There is good news! Our sister organisations in London are celebrating Navratri and Diwali. Please check their websites for more information.
Vanza Samaj UK
Vanza Society of London
Vanza Mandal
Local organisations celebrating Navratri:
Lohana Community of South London –
Surrey Gujarati Society
The Trustees & the Committee members of VCSL wish you all a happy colourful Navratri.